Posted February 4, 2016 at 10:26 am

I know this is a lot sooner than I usually do a roundup, but we got a bunch more, so, here goes!

Click to embiggen at original source!


Only ghosts can pet clifford. 

So, anyway, that’s how Cliff got the Madness and why we had to put him down.(this is hilarious and 100% in character Wendy!!) oddsbod:

Hey! More art that isn’t characters floating in a soulless white void!  
Backgrounds are hard, etc, in other news, the lovely Summer Witch Eliza Proctor, from the all around gorgeous webcomic Wilde Life by Pascalle Lepas.  Something quick to practice colors, I might do more, cus Eliza’s clothes are super fun.

Beautiful! I love that top!
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If you've done fanart you want included in a fanart roundup, just tweet me or tag me on DA, or on tumblr, tag your post "wilde life". ;)

Tags: fanart
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